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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14, 2018 0 Comments
I received a neat gift today! It's a long story so here goes...

I am a member of and my friend/wife-in-law (aka my ex husband's wife), Sara, got me a DNA kit for Christmas of 2016. My mom and dad really thought that was neat and wanted to do a test. So I got them both kits for Christmas of 2017. I received the kits in late November and my gut told me to go ahead and give them their gifts, do the tests and get them sent back in before the Christmas rush. So I did. They were both tickled!

Sara (who is also my dad's homemaker) helped my dad with his test. She FaceTimed me so I could see his silliness. He's a hoot! 

I didn't get a picture of mom taking the test because it was a little more difficult for her. She was nearing the end of her battle with cancer at the time. She didn't eat or drink much. She was sleeping a lot more also. So we did the best we could.

I submitted both of their tests and waited. Just like I thought, I got the results pretty quickly by missing the Christmas rush. Yay! But sadly, mom's test did not work. I called them and they said it may have been due to the chemo in her system. They mailed me a new test but I just knew we wouldn't get this one back in time before she left us. Still, we did the test. By this time, my mom had moved in with me so Sara helped her with her test. I guess Sara has the touch! We sent it in and started waiting. Again.

In the mean time, I received my dad's results. He believe that he had Irish roots. That's what he's always been told. I believed it because of the fair skin and blue eyes that run in his family.

Pretty neat! No major surprises other than he's more Great Britain than Irish!

Back to my mom...

I've been checking daily, just hoping that mom's test worked. If it didn't, we would never know because she's gone now. She passed away on January 22, 2018.

My mom believed she had Native American roots. She had always been told that. Looking at her, you would believe it too. She has dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair, high cheek bones. Absolutely beautiful!


So today, I checked and got the results! On Valentine's Day! What a special gift of love!

Well, I don't see any Native American in there. But she sure looks like it doesn't she? Oh well.

It's so neat having these results. Even after mom is gone and dad has Dementia and doesn't discuss it much. My goal for this blog is to record all of the stories, memories, information, photos, videos that I can. Maybe my descendants will stumble upon this and enjoy these treasures.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Love, Amanda

Friday, February 9, 2018

My Mom....the Entertainer!

February 09, 2018 0 Comments

As long as I can remember, my mom has always loved to dance and sing.
Some of my fondest memories are of us dancing, singing, laughing. So much fun!
She would make this serious face when she would dance. Or she would move her bottom half while keeping the top part still. I got my love of music and dancing from her for sure and I'm very thankful for it. She wasn't the best singer in the world but she sure sang her heart out.

Nana's Dancing!
In this video, mom is at Jason's house, dancing for Jayda and Savannah. Rachel is recording her.

Let Me See!
She has made up many songs for us over the years.
"I Love (fill in the blank)"
"Drammaw Wuh Seh Dehweh"

Happy Valentine's Day!

I received a neat gift today! It's a long story so here goes... I am a member of and my friend/wife-in-law (aka my ex h...